joi, 24 septembrie 2009

Free Photos – Get Your Daily Laugh Dose Online

People laugh all the time and it is really intriguing that only mankind are laughing from all life that is on planet earth. There's no animal showing laugh signs. Primates are the only animals close to humans and yet they don't know meaning of jokes and humor. So what makes us laugh?
Mankind are laughing to all things that makes them funny, sometimes one thing is funny to you but not enaugh funny to your friend. Here are some examples what makes us laugh: strange pictures ; funny dogs ; funny pranks ; funny images ; free images ; free galleries ...
Black Humor: One of most general category of humor, its black-humor where someone get insulted, person get hurt in some not so funny but funny way, people getting hit by cars, peoples accidents. This all make us laugh.
And at last one of most things that make us laugh lately are free vids online. Everyone can share free videos online, everyone can enjoy funny videos on sites that host videos. You just need to go to website and type funny videos, you will get many awesome and free vids. But to get real laugh on such videos I suggest you type words "fun stuff".
We know to what we laugh, but why we laugh is still mystery. Maybe we are laughing to feel some relief after many hours at work. I really wonder if humans since when have laugh. Wonder if they had funny animal pictures and photo gallery like we do have now. We will never know this, but all I can tell at end is, laugh people and have fun every day, you never know when all this carnival could end.

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